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If music is the food of love, play on(:

; Welcome to SAChoir's blog

if music; -aboutus
is the food of love; -members of 2006
play; -tagboard
on (: -others

; Monday, March 05, 2007


there's a new choir blog created, cos of stuffs. anyway, go visit NOW.


spread the love.

CHEERS, mavis

gave our 100% at
8:40 PM


changed your links people!! :D

much credit to debbish! (yet again.)



gave our 100% at
8:28 PM

; Sunday, March 04, 2007


well, sorry for not updating this blog. ANYWAYS, it's the time for SYF again. This time's set piece is "Everyone Sang" by Ko Matsushita. i've found a video on youtube with many choirs combined together for this song. enjoy, it's not bad.


CHEERS, mavis

don't forget to drink LOTS of WATER

gave our 100% at
9:45 PM

; Saturday, March 03, 2007

HELLOOOO!!! yeah, i am finally free and not lazy to update this sad little blog.

(HINT: we need new layout!!)

its been pretty tiring these few days, hope you guys dont die on us yet. there's about 1 and a half more months left to SYF. it may seem long but we are really behind time at our rate so please do your best!

Also, here's something for your amusement??


hahaha. i dont know whether to thank debbish or not.

photos are going to be up soon i think. until then,


love, kaixin (:

gave our 100% at
8:25 PM

; Saturday, January 06, 2007


CCA Orientation was a hit! ( i think.) Many thanks to all of you who helped out and those who came over to help and support us! =)

and the choir committee sincerely apologises to those who wanted to help but didnt get a chance to and had to go home instead. (i will step on mavis' foot for her blurrness on asking the whole choir to come help out. or so it seems.) D:

until then, WORK HARD or mr toh will get angry again.

<3 kaixin.

gave our 100% at
9:14 PM

; Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hello Choir,

We've just started on the SYF piece and it's gonna be quite tough to master all the rhythmic problems, etc etc. So, i'm just gonna put up a rough idea on the practice dates and the events going on.

27th Dec: DSA Auditions & SECTIONALS!
the timing would be set later on

Time: 9 - 12 onwards
the timing would vary, so we'll update you guys again.


CHEERS, mavis

gave our 100% at
11:02 PM

; Monday, November 27, 2006

ah yessssss. finally i can sleep in peace!!

hope you guys enjoy your holidays overseas and such while you still can. haha.


and thanks for giving all those cards,notes and podcast to us. i am very touched. *sniffs for effect*

til then!!

kaixin. <3

gave our 100% at
5:45 PM

; Sunday, November 26, 2006


yes yes, very very happy, cos we managed to perform =) Well, at least all the efforts and time you guys have put into practice have been paid off. We shall all take a good rest and you all can eat all the things you've been trying to avoid for the past weeks. But, practices will resume in the december holidays! =) can see more passion from you guys, keep it up. =) I LOVE YOU CHOIR!

CHEERS, mavis

gave our 100% at
8:55 PM

; Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Choir Concert, "Prelude To Advent" is coming soon, and a little sneak peek on the songs we are performing =) (PS: it's not in order, cos i forgot the order, sorry!)

1) Rorando Coeli Defluant
2) Siyahamba
3) Good King Wenceslas
4) Silver Bells
5) Jingle Bells
6) *we don't know yet*

Tickets would be at $12(Stall) & $15(Circles), can order from any Choir Member or SACSS PFA Office OR those who's not from SAC, you can leave a message on the tag, along with your contact. haha, alright, support us! =)

other updates on SAC choir! we're in the making of NEW choir gowns, all black, V-necked, made out of Japanese Satin =)), A BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU for the seniors that took the effort to return the old gowns, BUT, it doesn't mean you can take them back, haha, i'm not sure. We'll see how it goes alright?

As for the choir, i shan't put up the choir schedule, cos it'll just put more pressure on you guys. Anywho, you guys are supposed to have the choir schedule, haha. hmm, rest well and prepare for the practices!


gave our 100% at
5:09 PM

; Saturday, October 21, 2006


guess what? the oh so charming Mr Toh is on the front cover of Sunday Life!, 21st Oct, go check it out, haha

TO ALL SEC 4s: Those who haven't return the gowns, PLEASE return? your juniors have NOTHING to wear for the concert, be nice souls and return them asap, thanks.

this goes out to the choir, monday's extra practice schedule:

Sop 1s - 2.30pm
Sop 2s - 2.15pm
Alto 1s - 3pm
Alto 2s - 2.30pm

people who wants to re-audition or haven't audition yet, please come at 2.15 SHARP.
Check the CCA board for more info or any changes.

Take a good weekend rest =)

gave our 100% at
5:41 PM

; Thursday, October 19, 2006

mmkay. since you buggers want an update here you go laaa.

Please note that despite next week being your so called 'cca break', you guys still have to come back for sectionals. Check the cca board for any reminders or changes. Pon and die since attendance is compulsory.Also,auditions and testing will be held earlier so check the board please. and dont be late.

As for buying flowers for mr toh for his concert next week, the leaders will pay for the bouquet and probably a big card or something first since it will be impossible to collect the oh-so-dreadful choir fund next week.

And please mind your manners and dressing when you go for the concert.( ie. wearing flip flops to VCH or not switching your phone to silent mode, being very late and etc.) because im very sure mr toh's other choirs like dunman sec and RI will be there and i think we would like to leave a good impression. DDD:

For those who didnt catch what miss heng said today, choir practices will be on every tuesday and thursday of every week from the start of our hols until our concert day so please leave these days free. Timing will probably be from 9am to 5pm.

NOTE: even though we have intensive practices in the hols, the SLs still have the right to call you back on other days of the week for sectionals if we are not up to standard on the official practices. Its for the concert, so please put in your 100% effort. it will also help for getting the choir ready for next year's SYF. something like hitting two birds with one stone.

And your standards after the exams are PATHETIC. so please buck up? At this rate, we couldnt even get a silver for SYF let alone a Gold with HONOURS. its kinda depressing now that i think of it. D:

mr toh is still under the verge of leaving if your sad brain cannot remember and it is crucial for him to STAY. please. Focus during practices and stop your excessive talking if you would please. Time is now our enemy. So its time to stop playing around and get our act together mmkay? JIAYOU!

Thank you.

<3 kx

gave our 100% at
8:50 PM

; Sunday, October 01, 2006

wah...i know we're not children anymore but...


anyway, just wanted to wish all of you darlings good luck for your exams and all the best for your papers!

gahhh...im so nervous im about to burst! lol.


gave our 100% at
7:59 PM

; Saturday, September 09, 2006

okay, everyone who thinks choir practice on friday september 8th was fun, say AYE!

i really enjoyed myself during practice yesterday. dont you? the first half of it was kinda bad since we kept making mistakes, and made him annoyed. but it got better.and mr toh was happy! he was smiling more and cracking jokes too.

dont you wish every practice was like that?

i wouldnt mind if we had extra practices as long as mr toh is happy during every practice. anyway, thank you guys for putting in so much effort in coming for practices and all during the september hols. guess our hard work did pay off! ;D so please continue to work hard for our upcoming performance in november and SYF'07 and so much more to come! *hint: 30th may 07*

and keep in mind that mr toh might still be leaving*crosses fingers* even though practice was good yesterday. so dont let your guard down and keep improving!! =)

kaixin XD

gave our 100% at
1:38 PM

; Saturday, September 02, 2006

September Holidays Practice Schedule

Date: Wednesday, 6/9
Time: 1 to 5 pm
Place: AVT

Date: Thursday, 7/9 & Friday, 8/9
Time: 1.30 to 5 pm
Place: AVT

NO ONE is allowed to be excused for these practices unless you have MC or other special cases. Please postpone or change other stuff/events you have on these 3 practices. Those who are absent without a valid reason, well, think about the consequences.

Remember to bring your scores and waterbottle!

CHEERS, mavis =)

gave our 100% at
2:55 PM

; Saturday, August 26, 2006

i know most of the juniors dont know how much mr toh means to the choir. Let's just say, without him, we wouldnt be where we are right now. thanks to him, we got a gold medal for SYF last year. thanks to him, we got to go to Prague last year and won a gold medal. and thanks to him, we learned many things that cant be taught in a classroom. he showed us the passion of singing and experience gained through all our hard work.

Im not saying this because i want you to like him. im saying this because he is truly a great teacher worth keeping. and he is a human being. He wants to be treated like one. I hope you all will bear that in mind. Give him a smile when you see him or when he looks at you. I dont need to teach you how. He wants to be your friend. why cant you give him that chance to? He's not a big scary monster with a hideous face. I seriously dont understand why cant you treat him like one.

I hope all of you do some soul searching. Mr toh means alot to me, the SLs, the choir committee,the choir and all the seniors presently and previously. we are racing against time now. i hope all of you realise how important it is to keep him.

and here's a quote from debbie which i find very true,

''if you want it to work,
its got to come from the heart.''

30th May 2007 will be our reward if we get mr toh to stay.

Let's do our best!


gave our 100% at
3:57 PM

; Friday, August 25, 2006

Aloha Sac Choir, how are you doing?
I apologised for not visiting you girls recently, but i did leave messages on the board, did you notice?
Oh wells. Although I didn't visit you, but I do know what's going on in the choir. Yups.
I heard something negative, but I have not give up on you.
I know you're trying your best ( for those who haven't, pls do so now ), and I believe that you want the choir to improve, don't ya?
Like obviously, cos' i know you, maybe not so well.
I hope you can achieve what you want.
Alright. I'm not here to lecture you, perhaps just giving you a reminder that the seniors are supporting you, always. We did not forget you sweet lil' people ((:
Maybe not for the sake of us, but for yourself, sing 'hard' for your pieces, and achieve something that belongs to you.
I'm not giving you any pressure, just enjoy what you are doing.
Will visit you after prelims. That's a promise.

Supporting you always,
Shu Yun.

gave our 100% at
10:41 PM